Our Tour Of Paris France
APRIL  2012

We had a one day trip to Paris France with a touring company called (Golden Tours), traveling on the Eurostar train that runs at about 150 miles per hr. After arriving in Paris we met with an appointed tour guide and boarded a tour bus for a tour of Paris France's most recognizable landmarks. We then went on a tourist boat luncheon and sailed down the River Seine to complete our sightseeing tour. We ended the day by visiting Art Museums and returned to the train station for our trip back to London.

Paris is the capital city of France. It is situated on the River Seine, in northern France, at the heart of Paris has an estimated population of 2,153,600 within its administrative limits.
An important settlement for more than two million, Paris is today one of the world's leading business and cultural centres, and its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities. The Paris Region (Île-de-France) is France's foremost centre of economic activity.
Paris is the most popular tourist destination in the world, with over 30 million foreign visitors per year. There are numerous iconic landmarks among its many attractions, along with world famous institutions and popular parks.

The Louvre is one of the largest and most famous museums, housing many works of art, including the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo statue. Works by Pablo Picasso and Rodin are found in Musée Picasso and Musée Rodin respectively, while the artistic community of Montparnasse is chronicled at the Musée du Montparnasse. Starkly apparent with its service-pipe exterior, the Centre Georges Pompidou, also known as Beaubourg, houses the Musée National d'Art Moderne. Lastly, art and artefacts from the Middle Ages and Impressionist eras are kept in Musée Cluny and Musée d'Orsay respectively, the former with the prized tapestry cycle The Lady and the Unicorn.